
We move in the city as citizens, consumers, visitors. Frequently we need help in both indoor and outdoor places for small, simple and repeated issues and for Unpredictable situations. Hence, we designed and implemented a complete system of smart and talking city assistants.

It consists of small devices that citizens can communicate using simple voice commands. The devices are installed in many places in a city: bus and metro stations, public agencies and buildings. They provide useful information, support and help to citizens for everyday simple or complicated questions. They are aware of their specific location and their responses are relevant. These devices understand human communication and can respond suitably based on Artificial Intelligence technologies and through the support of various languages and accents. They can function autonomously, in cooperation with each other and also through centralized control. They use mature open source hardware and software technologies

The proposed system offers various benefits for the city and the citizens:

  • Simplification of the way the information is provided to the citizen.
  • The relevant information is provided, through natural communication.
  • Can help all kinds of people with or without special needs.
  • Frees up useful and educated personnel that can be used for more important tasks.
  • Reduces the need for search of very simple information.
  • Serves without discriminations and respects privacy.
  • Is very flexible regarding the services provided.
  • Is very cheap and easy to install.

Visit the kudos in the city site.

A complete presentation is available here.

«κῦδος» presentation at City Challenge Crowdhackathon #smartcity 2018

The whole City Challenge Crowdhackathon #smartcity 2018 event