Passionate about computer engineering and mathematics.
I am 17 years old. I like math, computers and tennis. I spend my free time inventing my own computer games and then trying to beat them. I like organizing outings with friends and prefer the summer from the winter.
Among the various fun projects (e.g. computer games, arduino systems, home automation, rc cars and planes) I have designed and implemented with my brother (Andreas Varvarigos) the following systems:
As a truly DIY enthusiast, i really enjoy robotics since it combines engineering, computer science, technology and math. Along with my brother we participated in the open category of the Greek national final of the World Robot Olympiad 2019.
WRO 2019 : Varvarigos-Brothers-City
Successfully completed "Python Lab" course on Coursera, offered by Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS).
Course Certificate
Successfully completed "Machine Learning" course on Coursera, offered by Stanford University.
Course Certificate
Book (in Greek) The World of Our Grandparents: Lving Testimonies, Publisher Infognomon, 2019.
View Book
Start2Act is an initiative of young people who aim at creating a network of volunteers that will take action for public places (eg. Schools) making everyday life better. The Start2Act team believes in community work and in the idea that the citizens themselves must take their lives into their own hands, so that public spaces successfully serve back society.
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Book4Book is a book exchange platform for recycling old books, in order to avoid remaining useless on the shelves of students or in the worst case being thrown away. The site is open to those who want to share or request schoolbooks, and also encourages users to organize events for mass book exchange.
- Video : short presentation (in Greek)
- Video : Book4Book presentation by Anastasis - Romanos Varvarigos (in Greek)
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Medical Bot for Learning (MediBot) aims to revolutionize the way doctors are trained, in medical schools and later on in lifelong learning schemes, for performing differential diagnosis. In medicine, differential diagnosis is the process for distinguishing of a particular disease or condition from others that present similar clinical features.
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